Symbol snímače přiblížení

close-up of a machine

Proximity sensors, crucial components in industrial automation and electronic systems, are represented by standardized symbols that convey their functionality and type, with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) developing a diamond-shaped symbol as the primary identifier for these non-contact detection devices.

close-up of a machine

VIOX Proximity Sensor

Proximity Sensor Symbol Components

symbol of proximity sensor

The IEC-standardized proximity sensor symbol incorporates several key components that provide detailed information about the sensor’s functionality:

  • A transistor representation indicates the output type, such as NPN or PNP configurations.
  • An “Fe” marking denotes an inductive sensor capable of detecting ferrous materials.
  • A normally open (NO) switch symbol may be included to show that the internal switch closes upon target detection.

These elements, combined with the distinctive diamond shape, offer a comprehensive visual representation of the sensor’s capabilities and operational characteristics, enabling engineers and technicians to quickly identify and understand the specific type of proximity sensor being used in a circuit or system diagram.

Diamond Shape Significance

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The diamond shape in proximity sensor symbols serves as a universal identifier, instantly recognizable to engineers and technicians working with automation and control systems. This distinctive geometric form conveys the sensor’s ability to detect objects without physical contact, a fundamental characteristic of proximity sensors. The diamond’s four points can be interpreted as representing the sensor’s detection field, symbolizing its ability to sense objects approaching from various directions. This standardized shape, established by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), ensures consistency in electrical diagrams and schematics across different industries and countries, facilitating clear communication and reducing the potential for misinterpretation in system designs.

Inductive vs Capacitive Sensors

Inductive and capacitive proximity sensors, while both non-contact detection devices, differ in their sensing mechanisms and applications. Inductive sensors excel at detecting metallic objects, utilizing electromagnetic fields to sense conductive materials. In contrast, capacitive sensors have a broader detection range, capable of sensing both metallic and non-metallic objects, including liquids and solids. This versatility makes capacitive sensors suitable for a wider array of industrial applications. The symbols for these sensors reflect their distinct functionalities:

  • Inductive sensors often include an “Fe” marking in their symbol, indicating their ferrous material detection capability.
  • Capacitive sensor symbols may feature additional elements to denote their sensitivity to various materials.

Both types can have normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) output configurations, which are represented by specific switch symbols within the overall proximity sensor icon.

Obrázek autora

Ahoj, jsem Joe, profesionál s dvanáctiletou praxí v elektrotechnickém oboru. Ve společnosti VIOX Electric se zaměřuji na poskytování vysoce kvalitních elektrotechnických řešení přizpůsobených potřebám našich klientů. Mé odborné znalosti zahrnují průmyslovou automatizaci, bytové elektroinstalace a komerční elektrické systémy. v případě jakýchkoli dotazů mě kontaktujte na

Symbol snímače přiblížení
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