Switch Position Indicator For Sale

Engineered and manufactured by VIOX Electric – your trusted source for premium Switch Position Indicators that deliver precise switch status monitoring and clear visual feedback.

VIOX Made Switch Position Indicator

Precision in Details: The Quality Features of VIOX Switch Position Indicator



Made with ABS flame-retardant casing, fire-resistant and durable in high and low temperatures. Safe to use electrically.


The product has good environmental adaptability, stable performance during use, and a long service life.​


Compact and easy to carry and install.

VIOX Factory Inside

Switch Position Indicator

At VIOX, our unique competitive advantage lies in our ability to customize cable ties to suit your specific requirements. With our expertise in customizing solutions, you will experience an effective, seamless, and hassle-free process that ensures your exact needs are met precisely and enjoyably.

VIOX High-Quality Switch Position Indicator Solutions

At VIOX, we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive range of high-quality Switch Position Indicator solutions designed to meet diverse needs across various industries. Our products are engineered for durability, reliability, and performance, ensuring that you have the right tools for every application. Discover our range of products below:

More Than Just a Switch Position Indicator Manufacturer

At VIOX, we pride ourselves on providing timely support, adhering to high standards, and offering tailor-made solutions that meet our customers’ needs, forming the foundation of our growing reputation with Switch Position Indicators.

Servisní konzultace

Servisní konzultace

If your Switch Position Indicator requirements are straightforward and you don’t need an external consultation, our team can offer expert advice and guidance for a reasonable fee.

Switch Position Indicator Recommendations

Unsure which Switch Position Indicator to choose for your project? We provide personalized recommendations based on your specific needs, free of charge for all our customers.

Logistická podpora

Logistická podpora

Pokud nemáte vhodného dopravce, můžeme vám pomoci zajistit přepravu vašich indikátorů polohy spínače z našeho závodu na místo projektu bez jakýchkoli dalších poplatků za služby.

Podpora při instalaci

If you have questions about installing Switch Position Indicators, feel free to reach out to us. We offer installation assistance and can even send an engineer to your project site for hands-on support.

Request a Free Sample?

Contact us for a Free Sample.

Exclusive Discounts and Services for Switch Position Indicator Purchases: Partner with VIOX

At VIOX, we continuously seek to partner with electricians, mechanical contractors, and other tradespeople to provide exceptional discounts and services for our Switch Position Indicators.

Ceny přímo z výroby –As a manufacturer of high-quality Switch Position Indicators, purchasing directly from VIOX ensures you receive the lowest factory prices. While cost is an important factor, our commitment to durability and reliability sets our products apart.

★ Priority Service and Free Planning – Benefit from our priority service, including free planning assistance to optimize your projects. Our efficient process delivers ready-to-use information, saving you time and helping you maximize savings on orders.

Výhradní ochrana trhu – We prioritize your interests by guaranteeing that we will not work with your competitors on the same project. This exclusive market protection enhances your competitive position. You may also secure exclusive rights to represent our Switch Position Indicators by meeting certain criteria.

Vzorky zdarma pro VIP zákazníky -VIP zákazníkům poskytujeme vzorky zdarma, což vám umožní otestovat poptávku na trhu a kvalitu bez počátečních nákladů. Náš závazek poskytovat vysoce kvalitní vzorky zajišťuje konzistenci při hromadné výrobě a pomáhá zajistit nové zakázky.

Služba od společnosti VIOX

Výrazné slevy na hromadné objednávky - Velkoobjemové zakázky zvyšují produktivitu a snižují náklady na suroviny. Tyto úspory přenášíme na vás díky výrazným slevám na velkoobjemové nákupy, čímž vám poskytujeme konkurenční výhodu.

Použití spojovacích skříní


What is Switch position indicators?

Switch position indicators (SPIs) are pivotal devices in various industries, significantly enhancing operational safety and efficiency by providing clear visual indications of switch positions. These indicators are essential across applications such as electrical switchgear, railroads, and industrial machinery. At Viox Electric, we understand the importance of reliable SPI solutions and are proud to discuss our extensive product range designed to meet diverse industrial needs.

Klíčové vlastnosti

  • Clear Visual Indication
    • Provide immediate visual feedback to indicate switch positions, enhancing operational safety.
  • Durability and Reliability
    • Designed for long-term use in various environments to ensure consistent performance.
  • Všestrannost
    • Suitable for different voltages and applications across multiple industries, from electrical switchgear to industrial machinery.
  • Easy Integration
    • Compatible with existing electrical systems, ensuring straightforward installation and reliable operation.

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