
Operation temperature/storage temperature: -30~65℃ (no freeze, no dew);
Operation humidity/storage humidity: 35~95%RH

Operation temperature/storage temperature: -30~65℃ (no freeze, no dew);
Operation humidity/storage humidity: 35~95%RH

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Type and Specification
Typ Round type
Rozměr M18*1
DC type NPN NO/NC CDD-11N(40N)
Detection range 10-30cm±10%
Detection target Transparent/opaque object
Detection range regulation Sensitivity controller
Doba odezvy 1ms
Connection delay 1.5ms
Zdroj světla Infrared light 660nm
Power supply DC type: DC 12-24V (6-36V), impulse (p-p) 10% below
Withstand voltage AC1000V 50/60Hz 1min between charging part and housing
Vliv napětí Inside ±15% rated supply voltage range, at rated supply voltage value, inside ±10% detection distance
Spotřební proud N/P type: ≤20mA
Řídicí výstup N/P type: ≤200mA
Loop protection N/P/D type: reversal connection protection, surge absorption, load short-circuit protection
Ambient temperature & humidity Operation temperature/storage temperature: -30~65℃ (no freeze, no dew);
Operation humidity/storage humidity: 35~95%RH
Vliv teploty Temperature range -30~65℃, at +23℃, ±15% detection distance; Temperature range -25~60℃, at +23℃, ±10% detection distance
Insulation impedance ≥50MΩ (DC500 megameter) between charging part and housing
Materiál Housing: Nickel plated brass (ABS), Detection surface (lens): PMMA
Protection class IP67
Délka kabelu 2m

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