Světelný senzor THC-309

THC-302 light sensor can automatically turn on or turn off the light according to the ambient light, available to adjust the light sensitivity. The ambient temperature and humidity do not affect normal operation. Not only is it convenient and practical, but it can also control the load to work only at night. Widely used in street lamps, park lights, etc.

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Light Sensation Adustable Light controller THC-302


THC-300 light sensor can automatically turn on or turn off the light according to the ambient light, available to adjust the light sensitivity. The ambient temperature and humidity do not affect normal operation. Not only is it convenient and practical, but it can also control the load to work only at night. Widely used in street lamps, park lights, etc.

Technické specifikace

Číslo položky THC-309
Available Operating Voltages 110V, 220V, AC 50/60Hz
Load Rating 3A, 6A, 10A, 16A, 20A, 25A
Life Rated Load 5000 Operations Minimum
Turn ON/TURN OFF < 1/5
Časové zpoždění 30 to 120 Seconds (Instant Available)
Teplotní rozsah -10 °C až +50 °C
Spotřeba energie < 1W
Rozměr 57 × 121 × 53mm
G.W 12
N.W 9
MEAS 525 × 470 × 180
Photocell Cds or Silicon Phototransistor
Ambient Light 5-10 LUX (adjustable)


Light Sensor THC-309-Dimension

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