
Výrobce kabelových kravat

VIOX ELECTRIC – China’s Trusted Manufacturer with 10 Years of Expertise in Producing High-Quality Cable Ties. Specializing in Durable, Reliable, and Professional-Grade Cable Tie Zip, VIOX Electric Sets the Standard for Excellence in Cable Tie Manufacturing. Join Our Growing List of Satisfied Customers Worldwide!

Top-Quality Cable Ties for Reliable Fastening Solutions

VIOX Electric offers a wide selection of durable yet cost-effective cable ties, including self-locking, mushroom head, aircraft head nylon, and stainless steel options. Designed for high tensile strength and ease of installation, our cable ties exceed the highest industry standards, ensuring reliable and secure binding for diverse applications.

Speciální funkce

NYLON 66 MATERIAL for Solar Cable Entry Gland


Our cable ties are crafted from high-quality Nylon 66. This material is non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and built to last, ensuring safe and sustainable use over time.



Designed for effortless application, these cable ties made from Nylon 66 simplify your tasks. Their user-friendly design makes them quick to install, saving you time and effort.



VIOX cable ties are exceptionally durable, featuring a robust ratcheting head that secures tightly and doesn’t slip. They are quick to use, tough, and provide reliable fastening for various applications.

VIOX Factory Inside

Custom-Made Cable Zip for Your Specific Needs

At VIOX, our unique competitive advantage lies in our ability to customize cable ties to suit your specific requirements. With our expertise in customizing solutions, you will experience an effective, seamless, and hassle-free process that ensures your exact needs are met precisely and enjoyably.

Exclusive Discounts and Services for Cable Tie Purchases: Partner with VIOX

At VIOX, we continuously seek to partner with electricians, mechanical contractors, and other tradespeople to provide exceptional discounts and services for our cable ties.

Ceny přímo z výroby – As a manufacturer of high-quality cable ties, purchasing directly from VIOX ensures you receive the lowest factory prices. While cost is an important factor, our commitment to durability and reliability sets our products apart.

Přednostní služby a bezplatné plánování - Využijte našich prioritních služeb, včetně bezplatné pomoci při plánování optimalizace vašich projektů. Náš efektivní proces poskytuje informace připravené k použití, šetří váš čas a pomáhá vám maximalizovat úspory na zakázkách.

Výhradní ochrana trhu – We prioritize your interests by guaranteeing that we will not work with your competitors on the same project. This exclusive market protection enhances your competitive position. You may also secure exclusive rights to represent our cable ties by meeting certain criteria.

Vzorky zdarma pro VIP zákazníky - VIP zákazníkům poskytujeme vzorky zdarma, což vám umožní otestovat poptávku na trhu a kvalitu bez počátečních nákladů. Náš závazek poskytovat vysoce kvalitní vzorky zajišťuje konzistenci při hromadné výrobě a pomáhá zajistit nové zakázky.

Služba od společnosti VIOX

Výrazné slevy na hromadné objednávky - Velkoobjemové zakázky zvyšují produktivitu a snižují náklady na suroviny. Tyto úspory přenášíme na vás díky výrazným slevám na velkoobjemové nákupy, čímž vám poskytujeme konkurenční výhodu.

More Than Just a Cable Tie Manufacturer

Na adrese VIOX, we pride ourselves on providing timely support, adhering to high standards, and offering tailor-made solutions that meet our customers’ needs, forming the foundation of our growing reputation with cable ties.

Servisní konzultace

Servisní konzultace

Pokud jsou vaše požadavky na kabelové svazky jednoduché a nepotřebujete externí konzultaci, náš tým vám může nabídnout odborné poradenství a vedení za přiměřený poplatek.

Cable Tie Recommendations​

Cable Tie Recommendations

Unsure which cable ties to choose for your project? We provide personalized recommendations based on your specific needs, free of charge for all our customers.

Logistická podpora

Logistická podpora

Pokud nemáte vhodného dopravce, můžeme vám pomoci zajistit přepravu vašich kabelových stahovacích pásků z naší továrny na místo projektu bez jakýchkoli dalších poplatků za služby.

Pistole na vázání kabelů z nerezové oceli

Podpora při instalaci

If you have questions about installing cable ties, feel free to reach out to us. We offer installation assistance and can even send an engineer to your project site for hands-on support.

Vysoce kvalitní kabelová řešení VIOX

Ve společnosti VIOX jsme hrdí na to, že nabízíme ucelenou řadu vysoce kvalitních kabelových řešení navržených tak, aby splňovala různé potřeby v různých průmyslových odvětvích. Naše výrobky jsou konstruovány s ohledem na odolnost, spolehlivost a výkon, což zaručuje, že máte k dispozici správné nástroje pro každou aplikaci. Objevte naši nabídku níže:

Použití stahovacích pásků


What are cable ties?

Cable ties, also known as zip ties, are fasteners used primarily to hold items together, particularly electrical cables and wires. They are made from various materials, including nylon and stainless steel, and come in different sizes and strengths to suit various applications.

What are the main uses of cable ties?

Cable ties are versatile tools used in multiple settings:

  • Electronics: To bundle wires and secure electronic components.
  • Construction: For organizing cables and temporarily fastening materials.
  • Automotive: To secure hoses and wires in vehicles.
  • Home organization: For bundling appliance cords and garden plants.
    Arts and crafts: As a medium for creating sculptures and decorations.

How to choose the right cable tie?

When selecting a cable tie, consider the following factors:

  • Material: Nylon is common for general use, while stainless steel is better for harsh environments.
  • Size and strength: Ensure the tie can accommodate the diameter of the bundle it needs to secure.
  • Environmental factors: For outdoor use, opt for UV-resistant ties; for high temperatures, choose heat-resistant options

Are there different types of cable ties?

Yes, there are several types of cable ties:

  • Standard cable ties: General-purpose use.
  • Uvolnitelné kabelové pásky: Can be undone and reused.
  • Heavy-duty cable ties: Designed for heavy loads.
  • Stainless steel cable ties: Resistant to corrosion and suitable for extreme conditions.
  • Coloured and UV-resistant ties: Useful for organization and outdoor applications

Can cable ties be used creatively?

Absolutely! Cable ties can be used in various innovative ways:

  • As tamper indicators on luggage or bags.
  • To create temporary mobile phone stands.
  • In gardening to secure plants or label items.
  • For arts and crafts projects due to their flexibility and range of colors

Are there safety considerations when using cable ties?

While generally safe, it’s important to avoid over-tightening them, which can damage cables or cause injury. Always select a tie that is appropriate for the load it will bear to ensure safety during use.

Cable ties are simple yet effective tools that enhance organization, safety, and efficiency across numerous applications, making them indispensable in both professional environments and everyday life.

Vyžádejte si zakázkovou kabelovou kravatu OEM

Společnost VIOX Cable Ties vám ráda pomůže s vašimi požadavky na kabelové pásky OEM a privátní značky. Nabízíme řešení, která jsou kvalitní a cenově dostupná.

Požádejte o cenovou nabídku nyní

Požádejte o cenovou nabídku nyní