Sensor fotosel CCS-2410E
The VIOX CCS-2410E Photocell Sensor Switch is a highly reliable and efficient lighting control device designed for automatic on/off control of various outdoor lighting systems. Ideal for street lights, highways, gardens, parking lots, and other outdoor areas, it features a robust IP65 waterproof rating and surge protection, ensuring stable operation in various weather conditions. The CCS-2410E utilizes advanced light sensitivity to automatically control lighting based on ambient light levels, providing energy efficiency and convenience.
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VIOX CCS-2410E Photocell Sensor Switch
The VIOX CCS-2410E Photocell Sensor Switch is a highly reliable and efficient lighting control device designed for automatic on/off control of various outdoor lighting systems. This twist lock photocell sensor is ideal for use in street lights, highways, gardens, parking lots, and other outdoor areas. It features a robust IP65 waterproof rating and surge protection, ensuring stable operation in various weather conditions. The CCS-2410E utilizes advanced light sensitivity to automatically control lighting based on ambient light levels, providing energy efficiency and convenience.
Fitur Utama
- Fully Automatic Switch: Secara otomatis menghidupkan atau mematikan sirkuit beban berdasarkan perubahan intensitas cahaya.
- Kompatibilitas Luas: Suitable for LED barn lights, street lights, parking lot lights, and more.
- IP65 Waterproof and Surge Protection: Ensures reliable performance in various weather conditions and protects against lightning and surges.
- Hemat Energi: Membantu menghemat energi dengan memastikan lampu hanya menyala saat diperlukan.
- Konstruksi yang tahan lama: Made of high-quality plastic with a well-sealed and waterproof design.
- Instalasi Mudah: Twist lock design allows for quick and easy installation and removal.
- Peringkat Tinggi: Supports up to 10A current and 1000W load power.
Item | Detail |
Produsen | VIOX |
Model | CCS-2410E |
Tegangan | 105-305V AC, 50/60Hz |
Peringkat Saat Ini | 10A |
Load Power | 1000W |
Kelas tahan air | IP65 |
Suhu Kerja | -40 ℃ hingga 70 ℃ |
Delay Closing Time | 30 seconds |
Output Form | Relay |
Bahan | Plastik |
Jenis Pemasangan | Twist Lock |
The VIOX CCS-2410E Photocell Sensor Switch is ideal for a variety of applications, including street lighting, highways, gardens, parking lots, pedestrian walkways, and landscape lighting. Its robust design and reliable performance make it suitable for both commercial and industrial environments.
Data Teknis
- Tegangan: 105-305V AC, 50/60Hz
- Peringkat Saat Ini: 10A
- Load Power: 1000W
- Waterproof Grade: IP65
- Suhu Kerja: -40 ℃ hingga 70 ℃
- Delay Closing Time: 30 seconds
- Output Form: Relay
- Bahan: Plastik
- Jenis Dudukan: Twist Lock
Tips Untuk Mengoptimalkan Kinerja Photocell
- Jangan hadapkan fotosel ke arah matahari tengah hari. Jika dipasang di sisi selatan bangunan, hadapkan fotosel ke arah timur atau barat, atau arahkan ke bawah ke tanah. Arah terbaik adalah ke utara.
- Jangan menghadap ke arah fotosel di tempat yang dapat melihat cahaya buatan, misalnya dari jendela, rambu, atau lampu jalan, karena hal ini akan menyebabkan kontrol foto tidak dapat menyala.
- Pastikan fotosel dipasang dalam kotak tahan cuaca yang disetujui dan tidak dengan kabel di atas, kecuali jika tidak ada kemungkinan masuknya air di sekitar kabel.
- Apabila menguji fotosel, nyalakan daya dan tunggu hingga 5 menit sampai fotosel mematikan beban. Untuk pengujian lebih lanjut, tutupi kontrol foto sepenuhnya dengan selotip hitam atau bahan gelap lainnya untuk mensimulasikan kondisi malam hari.