Nőstény-belső kábelcsatlakozó adapter

  • Anyag: High-quality materials
  • Menettípusok: Male or Female
  • Megfelelés: IECEx, ATEX, cCSAus
  • Használat: A legtöbb elektromos szerelvényhez használható
  • Funkció: Biztonságos és megbízható kapcsolatokat biztosít
  • Testreszabás: Testreszabási lehetőségek kérésre

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VIOX Female to Female Cable Gland Adaptor


The VIOX Female to Female Cable Gland Adaptor is designed to convert existing threads, making it an essential accessory for various industrial applications. This adaptor is available in both general-purpose and industrial versions and can be supplied with male or female threads. It offers thread conversion capabilities and includes an equipment interface ‘O’ ring seal for enhanced protection on male-male adaptors. The adaptor is suitable for use in extreme temperatures ranging from -60°C to +200°C and is globally certified with IECEx, ATEX, and cCSAus marks.

Fő jellemzők

  • Tartós anyag: Made from high-quality materials to ensure strength and durability.
  • Időjárásálló: Designed to withstand extreme temperatures and environmental conditions.
  • Magas fokú védelem: Rated for use in temperatures from -60°C to +200°C.
  • Sokoldalú alkalmazás: Suitable for various industrial environments requiring secure and reliable cable protection.
  • Egyszerű telepítés: Available with male or female threads and includes an ‘O’ ring seal for secure connections on male-male adaptors.
  • Megfelelés: Globally certified with IECEx, ATEX, and cCSAus marks.
  • Testreszabás: Available in multiple thread sizes and configurations to fit different specifications.

Műszaki adatok

Tétel Részletek
Anyag High-quality materials
Temperature Range -60°C to +200°C
Certification IECEx, ATEX, cCSAus
Thread Types Male or Female
Funkció Converts existing threads
Alkalmazás General purpose and industrial environments
Tartozékok Equipment interface ‘O’ ring seal (on male-male adaptors)

Műszaki adatok

Female-Female Adaptor

Típus Forward Thread Size ‘C’ Minimum Thread Length ‘E’ (mm) Rear Thread ‘A’ Across Flats ‘D’ (mm) Across Corners ‘D’ (mm) Bore Diameter ‘B’ (mm) Protrusion ‘F’ (mm) Installation Torque (Nm)
Female M16 X 1.5 15.0 M16 X 1.5 24.0 26.4 14.0 34.0 7.0
Female M20 X 1.5 15.0 M20 X 1.5 24.0 26.4 14.0 36.0 7.0
Female M25 X 1.5 15.0 M25 X 1.5 30.5 33.5 16.0 36.6 10.0
Female M32 X 1.5 15.0 M32 X 1.5 36.0 39.6 27.7 37.0 15.0
Female M40 X 1.5 15.0 M40 X 1.5 46.0 50.6 33.0 37.6 25.0
Female M50 X 1.5 15.0 M50 X 1.5 55.0 60.5 45.5 40.6 30.0
Female M63 X 1.5 15.0 M63 X 1.5 70.1 77.1 57.5 40.6 45.0
Female M75 X 1.5 15.0 M75 X 1.5 80.0 88.0 68.2 37.0 45.0
Female M90 X 2.0 24.0 M90 X 2.0 100.0 110.0 82.0 52.0 45.0
Female M100 X 2.0 24.0 M100 X 2.0 108.0 118.8 91.0 52.0 45.0

Male-Male Adaptor

Típus Forward Thread Size ‘C’ Minimum Thread Length ‘E’ (mm) Rear Thread ‘A’ Across Flats ‘D’ (mm) Across Corners ‘D’ (mm) Bore Diameter ‘B’ (mm) Protrusion ‘F’ (mm) Installation Torque (Nm)
Male M16 X 1.5 15.0 M16 X 1.5 24.0 26.4 10.0 18.0 7.0
Male M20 X 1.5 15.0 M20 X 1.5 24.0 26.4 14.0 18.0 7.0
Male M25 X 1.5 15.0 M25 X 1.5 30.5 33.5 20.0 18.0 10.0
Male M32 X 1.5 15.0 M32 X 1.5 36.0 39.6 26.8 20.0 15.0
Male M40 X 1.5 15.0 M40 X 1.5 46.0 50.6 32.7 20.0 25.0
Male M50 X 1.5 15.0 M50 X 1.5 55.0 60.5 44.1 20.0 30.0
Male M63 X 1.5 15.0 M63 X 1.5 70.1 77.1 55.6 20.0 45.0
Male M75 X 1.5 15.0 M75 X 1.5 80.0 88.0 65.6 21.0 45.0
Male M90 X 2.0 24.0 M90 X 2.0 100.0 110.0 82.0 23.0 45.0
Male M100 X 2.0 24.0 M100 X 2.0 108.0 118.8 91.1 23.0 45.0


The VIOX Female to Female Cable Gland Adaptor is ideal for use in various industrial environments requiring secure and reliable cable protection. It is suitable for applications in the automobile industry, construction machinery, wind power generation equipment, agricultural machinery, shipbuilding, military, mining equipment, oil drilling rigs, public facilities, rail transport, transmission systems, metallurgical equipment, and more. The adaptor’s durable construction and high protection rating make it suitable for both commercial and industrial applications.


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