10 razlik med bakrenimi in aluminijastimi zbiralkami

10 razlik med bakrenimi in aluminijastimi zbiralkami

Copper and aluminum busbars, essential components in electrical distribution systems, offer distinct advantages and trade-offs in terms of conductivity, cost, and physical properties, making the choice between them dependent on specific application requirements and project constraints.


Copper stands out as an exceptional material for busbars due to its superior electrical and thermal properties. With 100% conductivity in IACS units, copper offers unparalleled efficiency in electrical transmission. Its low electrical resistivity of 0.0171 Ω per mm² for every meter ensures minimal energy loss, making it ideal for high-performance applications. Copper’s excellent thermal conductivity, about 60% greater than aluminum, allows for efficient heat dissipation, crucial in compact electronic designs. Additionally, copper’s high tensile strength and fatigue resistance contribute to its durability and longevity in electrical systems. These properties, combined with its corrosion resistance and antimicrobial nature, make copper a preferred choice for critical electrical infrastructure where reliability and performance are paramount.


Aluminum busbars offer several distinct advantages in electrical systems, making them an increasingly popular choice for many applications. With a conductivity of approximately 61% IACS (International Annealed Copper Standard), aluminum provides efficient power transmission while being significantly lighter than copper – about 70% less dense. This lightweight property translates to reduced transportation costs and easier installation, particularly beneficial in overhead or mobile applications.

Aluminum’s cost-effectiveness is a major selling point, as it is generally cheaper than copper, leading to substantial savings in large-scale projects. Additionally, aluminum’s natural corrosion resistance, due to its protective oxide layer, enhances durability in harsh environments. The material’s sustainability is also noteworthy, as aluminum is 100% recyclable, contributing to reduced environmental impact and aligning with green initiatives in the electrical industry. These properties make aluminum busbars particularly suitable for applications in aerospace, portable equipment, and budget-conscious projects where weight and cost considerations are paramount.

1. Conductivity

Conductivity is a crucial factor in comparing copper and aluminum busbars. Copper exhibits superior electrical conductivity, with a value of approximately 100% IACS (International Annealed Copper Standard), while pure aluminum typically achieves around 61% IACS. This difference in conductivity has significant implications for busbar design and performance:

  • Copper busbars can carry more current with smaller cross-sectional areas, resulting in more compact designs.
  • Aluminum busbars require approximately 56% larger cross-sections to match copper’s current-carrying capacity.
  • The specific resistance of copper (10.6 ohms cir/mil ft at 20°C) is lower than that of aluminum (18.52 ohms cir/mil ft at 20°C), leading to reduced power losses in copper busbars.

2. Ampacity

Ampacity, the maximum current-carrying capacity of a conductor, is a critical factor in comparing copper and aluminum busbars. Copper busbars generally have higher ampacity than aluminum busbars of the same dimensions, allowing them to carry more current without overheating. For example, a copper busbar can typically carry about 1.2 Amp/mm², while an aluminum busbar carries approximately 0.8 Amp/mm². This difference means that aluminum busbars require larger cross-sectional areas to match copper’s current-carrying capacity, often necessitating a 50-60% increase in size. However, ampacity can be improved through various methods such as optimizing busbar shape and orientation or applying surface treatments to improve emissivity.

3. Weight

Aluminum busbars offer a significant weight advantage over copper, being approximately 70% lighter for the same dimensions. This weight difference stems from aluminum’s lower density of about 2.7 g/cm³ compared to copper’s 8.96 g/cm³. The lighter weight of aluminum busbars provides several practical benefits:

  • Easier handling and installation, reducing labor costs and time.
  • Lower transportation costs due to reduced overall system weight.
  • Fewer support structures required, further reducing installation complexity and costs.
  • Ideal for weight-sensitive applications like aerospace and portable equipment.

4. Cost

Aluminum busbars offer significant cost advantages over copper, making them an attractive option for many electrical applications. The raw material cost of aluminum is substantially lower than copper, with the price ratio of copper to aluminum often exceeding 3:1. This cost difference can lead to substantial savings, especially in large-scale projects or budget-sensitive applications. However, it’s important to consider that aluminum busbars may require larger cross-sections to match copper’s conductivity, which can partially offset the initial cost savings.

5. Corrosion Resistance

Copper and its alloys exhibit exceptional corrosion resistance, making them ideal for various applications, including busbars. Copper’s resistance is primarily due to the formation of a protective surface film, often consisting of cuprous oxide (Cu2O), which adheres tightly to the metal. In most environments, copper corrodes at negligible rates. Meanwhile, aluminum’s natural oxide layer provides good protection in many environments, making both materials suitable for busbar applications depending on specific environmental factors.

6. Thermal Expansion

Thermal expansion is a critical factor when comparing copper and aluminum busbars, particularly in applications with significant temperature fluctuations. Aluminum has a higher coefficient of thermal expansion compared to copper, meaning it expands and contracts more with temperature changes. This characteristic can affect joint integrity and system reliability over time if not properly managed. When substituting aluminum for copper busbars while maintaining the same temperature rise, the aluminum bar’s width typically needs to be increased by about 27%, or its thickness by approximately 50%.

7. Strength

Copper busbars generally exhibit superior strength compared to aluminum, making them more suitable for applications requiring high mechanical durability. Copper has a tensile strength of approximately 200-250 N/mm² for annealed C101, significantly higher than aluminum’s 50-60 N/mm² for annealed alloys. However, aluminum’s strength can be enhanced through alloying, making it a viable option for many applications, especially when weight considerations are paramount.

8. Size

Busbar size plays a crucial role in electrical system design, with copper and aluminum requiring different dimensions to achieve equivalent performance. Aluminum busbars typically need larger cross-sectional areas than copper to carry the same current. For instance, to maintain the same temperature rise, an aluminum busbar’s width must be increased by approximately 27% compared to a copper busbar of the same thickness.

9. Recyclability

Both copper and aluminum busbars offer excellent recyclability, contributing to sustainable resource management in the electrical industry. Copper can be recycled indefinitely without loss of properties, conserving up to 85-90% of energy compared to primary production. Aluminum is equally impressive, being 100% recyclable and requiring only 5% of the energy needed for its primary production. Both metals support the circular economy model, minimizing waste and environmental impact.

10. Applications

Copper and aluminum busbars find extensive applications across various industries due to their unique properties. Copper busbars are widely used in power transmission and distribution stations, while aluminum busbars are preferred in aerospace and infrastructure industries due to their lightweight nature. Additionally, copper-clad aluminum busbars, combining the advantages of both metals, are gaining popularity in new energy vehicles, energy storage batteries, and large-current electrolytic refining projects.

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Pozdravljeni, sem Joe, predan strokovnjak z 12 leti izkušenj v elektroindustriji. V podjetju VIOX Electric se osredotočam na zagotavljanje visokokakovostnih električnih rešitev, prilagojenih potrebam naših strank. Moje strokovno znanje zajema industrijsko avtomatizacijo, stanovanjsko ožičenje in komercialne električne sisteme. pišite mi na Joe@viox.com, če imate kakršna koli vprašanja.

10 razlik med bakrenimi in aluminijastimi zbiralkami
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