VIOX VRO6-63 4P Elektronický typ 6-63A RCBO

VIOX VRO6-63 4P RCBO offers advanced protection for three-phase systems. This IEC61009-1 compliant device features 6kA or 10kA breaking capacity and supports currents from 6A to 63A at 415V AC. With adjustable sensitivity (30mA, 100mA, 300mA), it provides comprehensive A/AC type protection against residual currents, short circuits, and overloads. The RCBO offers B, C, and D tripping curves, IP20 protection, and operates from -25°C to +40°C. Key advantages include fault current indication, versatile terminal connections, and 20,000 operation lifespan. Suitable for industrial and commercial applications, this electronic RCBO ensures reliable protection with clear overload/residual current characteristics and easy DIN rail mounting.

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VIOX VRO6-63 4P Elektronický prúdový istič typu 6-63A s ochranou proti preťaženiu


The VIOX VRO6-63 is a versatile 4-pole Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Overcurrent protection (RCBO) designed for comprehensive electrical protection. This electronic type RCBO offers a wide range of current ratings and advanced safety features, making it suitable for various industrial and commercial applications.

Kľúčové vlastnosti

  • Standard: IEC61009-1, GB16917.1
  • Mode: Electronic
  • Type: A/AC
  • Krivka zakopnutia: B, C, D
  • Pole No.: 4P
  • Rated voltage: 415V~
  • Menovitá frekvencia: 50/60 Hz
  • Rated current: 6-63A
  • Rated residual operating current (I△n): 30, 100, 300mA
  • Residual operating current range: 0.5I△n~I△n
  • Rated breaking capacity (Icn): 6000A, 10000A
  • Energy limiting class: 3
  • Electrical and Mechanical life: 20,000 operations

Technické špecifikácie

  • Fault current indicator: YES
  • Stupeň ochrany: IP20
  • Ambient temperature: -25°C to +40°C (24h average not exceeding +35°C)
  • Teplota skladovania: -25°C až +70°C
  • Terminal connection type: Cable/U-type busbar/Pin-type busbar
  • Terminal size top for cable: 25mm²
  • Tightening torque: 2.5N.m
  • Mounting: On DIN rail EN 60715 (35mm) by means of fast clip device
  • Connection: Top and bottom

Charakteristiky ochrany proti preťaženiu

Postup testovania Typ Testovací prúd Počiatočný stav Časový limit pre cestovanie alebo bez neho Očakávaný výsledok Poznámka
a B,C,D 1.13V studené t≤1h no tripping
b B,C,D 1.45In po teste a t<1h zakopnutie The current steadily rises to the specified value within 5s
c B,C,D 2.55In studené 1s<t<60s zakopnutie
d B
studené t≤0,1s no tripping Zapnite pomocný spínač, aby ste uzavreli prúd
e B
studené t<0,1s zakopnutie Zapnite pomocný spínač, aby ste uzavreli prúd

Residual Current Operating Breaking Time

Typ V/A I△n/A Zvyškový prúd (I△) zodpovedá nasledujúcemu času prerušenia (S)
AC Type any
1ln 2In 5In 5A,10A,20A,50A
A Type >0.01 1.4In 2.8In 7In
0.3 0.15 0.04 Maximálny čas prestávky
Všeobecný typ RCBO, ktorého prúd IΔn je 0,03 mA alebo menej, môže namiesto 5IΔn použiť 0,25 A.

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