LM3 Inductive Proximity Sensor

VIOX LM3 Inductive Proximity Sensor: Non-contact detection for metallic objects using advanced electromagnetic fields. Designed for harsh environments, offering high-speed, precise performance across manufacturing, automotive, conveyor systems, packaging, and agricultural applications. Easy installation and maintenance.

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Modell LM3
Dimensjon lm3-inductive-proximity-switch-dimension
Føl avstand 0.6mm±10%
Flush type DC10~30VDC NPN NEI LM3-300.6NA
NC LM3-300.6NB
NO+NC LM3-300.6NC
NC LM3-300.6PB
NO+NC LM3-300.6PC
To-leder-system NEI LM3-300.6LA
NC LM3-300.6LB
AC90~250VAC NEI LM3-200.6A
NC LM3-200.6B
NO+NC LM3-200.6C
Utgangsstrøm DC 200 mA
AC /
Topp utgangsspenning DC-type under 3 V 、 Totrådstype under 3,9 V 、 AC under 10 V DC<3 V, AC<10 V
Forbruksstrøm DC-type 8 mA ved 12 V, 15 mA ved 24 V, AC under 10 mA DC<15 mA, AC<10 mA
Standard detektert objekt 6×6×1 (A3 iron)
Repeterbarhet 0.01
Svarfrekvens 500Hz
Omgivelsestemperatur -25℃-+75℃
Isolasjonsmotstand 50MΩ
Skallmateriale Metall
Beskyttelsesgrad IP67

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